Thursday, June 11, 2009

He did it!

This, my friends, is Froggy. Froggy is a potty, and he is scene of much drama in our home these days.  At one point out of frustration Remy picked up Froggy and marched him to the door saying, 'You can take this back to Target. I will just wear diapers!'.  Fortunately they became friends again, and we were on our way.

This is Remy's potty chart. As we have tackled potty training, we have put stickers onto this chart in anticipation of a party. (We decided early on that cupcakes were in order if the chart was full.) Along with a sticker, Remy requests a happy dance every time he goes... We are thrilled to oblige.

Here is Remy today enjoying cupcakes. This Martha was thoroughly insulted, but they were store-bought cupcakes  because he thought he needed those exact ones with bright green frosting. Since he's such a big boy we splurged. It has seemed such a long time coming that we would've bought most anything!

Here's to many more green-tongued milestones!

1 comment:

  1. Mandy,

    Sorry I've been a lame commenter, but I had to comment on this one! Great job Remy! This is fantastic! I like your idea of the sticker chart + dance and cupcakes as a reward. We are not ready for the potty training stage in our house, but this gave me a GREAT idea for when I am ready. Thanks so much!


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