Friday, November 6, 2009

Friday Love

Hey all! Sorry I have been a bit of a blog slacker this week. I have been in a crazed state of 'too much to do', I think. I sort of declared today as a day off (until tonight when we go to set up my booth!), so Halle and I dropped Remy off at school, went to Target for a little 'therapy', and now we're having a quiet morning at home. On with the love!

Today I'm loving:

~This sweet mama:

When we found out that Halle was going to be a girl, I think the phase we have entered is the one that I looked most forward to: mommyhood. (Hers, not mine.) It amazes me that Remy and Halle can be raised in pretty much the same conditions, and yet they are so different! Several weeks ago, my girl picked out a 'baby' at Target, and since then she has loved on this sweet little doll constantly! She takes her (yes, sometimes by the leg or dress, or neck...) and lays her on a clean diaper. She hugs and kisses her baby and dances around with her. It is positively the sweetest thing!

November 1st also marked Halle's 15 month-iversary. We went to the doctor, and the first thing he asked me was if she was eating well. I laughed because I thought certainly he was kidding, but it turns out that our 'chunky monkey' isn't so chunky after all and hasn't been gaining quite like they had expected. He asked if she was a picky eater, to which Remy replied 'Have you seen her cookie dance?'. On cue she did the dance, and I think the doctor is pretty sure she is existing on cookies! Why don't docs ever ask if I'm eating well?

~This verse:

Last Sunday, our pastor preached a sermon on Luke 20, and though I had read it a zillion times, verse 18 jumped off the page and spoke to me.

"Everyone who falls on that stone will be broken to pieces, but he on whom it falls will be crushed."

I don't know that I had ever stopped to think about that, and it nearly wrecked my quiet times this week. Being broken by the One who can put us together again is such an awesome (and painful!) thing.

~New blogger friends:
I have 'met' a bunch of great bloggers through etsy and twitter lately, and I'm having so much fun reading about their work. I have added several to my 'daily reads' section on the right, and I hope you'll check 'em out and give some love!

I'll be back next week with all the details from my show, and I will also be having my very first giveaway! Stay tuned because it's a great one! Happy Weekend!