Proverbs 31: 25 "She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at days to come."
Well, My first show was Saturday, and what a bust! The weather in middle Tennessee was one of those 'Garden of Eden' type days where all you want to do is go outside, and I do believe that is what people did! Very few people came out to the show, and most sellers left disappointed. But today I am taking a cue from my beloved (and sometimes rival) Proverbs 31 Woman and having optimism. There were many good things wrapped up in this poor sales day, and I am determined to fix my eyes on them. Here they are:
~ It was great to set up my booth and see how it all worked together in the given space. I even remembered to take a few pictures for you. (I am starting to think like a true blogger, I think, and am finally keeping my camera handy.) 8 feet by 8 feet is not as large as it appeared in my dining room! I was pretty happy with how everything looked in the tiny space.
Here is my whole booth.
A stand of burp cloths
Baskets of Booties
~I also realized that had I completely sold out of everything (a girl can dream, right!?), this next month would have been super crazy. With an out of town trip coming in two weeks, Thanksgiving, and a show on December 5th, I would have been in a mad scramble to make more stuff, and I think my family may have suffered for it. I NEVER want to do this at their expense!
~My lovely friend, Estera, accompanied me to the show, and it was great to be able to spend the day with her. We don't see each other often enough! Trace also had a great 'Daddy Day' with the little people. Remy had been telling Halle for a week that 'Daddy Day' was approaching, and they had a blast!
~I am thankful that I had inventory to take this morning to Zoe & Friends, a shop in Hendersonville, TN that is going to start carrying 2 sweet things! I first met Nicole, the owner, a few years ago when Zoe's was a consignment shop. She has since moved to a different location and now specializes in hip, designer children's clothing and accessories. The things in her shop are so, so cute, and I am so excited to be a part of it! You can check out her website here, and even shop online. If your local, be sure to check it out up by Indian Lakes Village.
The moral of the story, I guess, is that God continues to take care of us. I wouldn't have chosen for it to work out the way that it did, but in hindsight, it works out so well. It's a good thing that I don't call the shots, I think.
P.S. I am having my first sale in my etsy shop!! I have added FREE INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING on all items and have created a sale section here. I hope you'll check it out. I will also be adding several new dresses and skirts tomorrow.
Happy Monday!