Monday, October 18, 2010

Well hello, monday! {Miscellany Monday}

Nice to see you again... This weekend felt like it happened at light speed, and we packed so much in! 

Friday night was another sleepover/spa night with some of the youth students. Let's just say that I am getting way too old for 2 am! I do, however, love watching sappy romantical movies and the chatter of young people~ that at least helps me to feel like I'm young again. We made cookies and painted toe nails and even pranked some fellow youth leaders who were away on their honeymoon... Ahh, life is grand!

Saturday brought another visit to another apple orchard/pumpkin patch. The weather was windy but gorgeous, and we had a great time.

My sweet baby bee!

This is the only 'posed' picture I managed to snap... not quite Christmas card material.
Sunday included a great morning service and then Veritas, which is our youth service in the evening. I never would have thought that I would enjoy working with teenagers, but that's an area that God has changed in my heart so much in the past year.... and we have an awesome group of friends who volunteer to watch my little people so that I can serve. I feel so blessed by all the amazing people God puts in our life!

This week is certain to be busy. Today Rem's preschool class is taking a trip to the fire department, and I get to tag along~ so excited!! I have also connected with a MOPS group from another church and am going for the first time. I really loved the group that I was a part of in Indiana when Remy was first born. It will be great to get out of the house and meet some other moms!

Lots of sewing is on the horizon too. I have spent weeks trying to find local craft shows to no avail, and then last week within 24 hours two, and a possible third, almost fell into my lap. The best part is that they are literally just down the hill from my house. Love it!

Okay, so I hope that is random enough for this Monday. As is my usual custom, I'm linking up with the lovely Carissa. Click the link and show her some love! Happy Monday!
Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters


  1. Oh how I miss MOPS. My kids are all school age now so I don't qualify to be in the group... but I made some awesome friends from MOPS & learned a lot too. Now I feel old. ;o)

  2. I have no idea how you managed to stay awake til 2AM. I'd have been snoring in the corner and had my bra frozen for being the first one out. Kudos, friend! Hope all the sewing adventures turn out. Looking forward to seeing new creations!!

  3. Mandy, It sounds like you all had a beautiful weekend! And maybe a good start to the week - you WON our giveaway!!!! Thought this might be a good place to let you know ☺ - Carrie
    Send us an email with your shipping info. so we can send it right away! Yahoo!!

  4. Just can't get enough pumpkin patches and apple orchards here either.

  5. Just can't get enough pumpkin patches and apple orchards here either.


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