Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Shaking the Dust Off

Hello, my lovely friends!! I'm feeling a bit chatty today and have a few moments before my sweet girl awakens, so I thought I'd say hello! I can't believe it's been three months of silence on this page, but I can't say that I regret it... life has been pretty good. We've done a lot of growing & playing, making & baking, and I even took on a new business just to keep things jam-packed. God has been gracious in keeping us relatively healthy (nothing but the yuck that sort of comes with the season...). We've seen Him all around us, and for all these gifts I can't even for a minute say I'm sorry for not posting more often. Y'all know how it is, and we've been living.

We have had some milestones~ Remy turned 5, and promptly thereafter I signed him up for kindergarten... I cannot believe that day has come!! In the same week, I registered Halle for preschool next year. Just two mornings a week for her, but it does make it seem like time is falling through my fingertips faster than I can hold on. (sigh)

I do hope that you have all been doing well! Thanks so much to those of you sweeties who emailed to check in on me and mine~ you're darling!! I'll try to post more often, but I won't promise!


  1. So wonderful to hear from you. Loved seeing the pictures of your kiddos. I remember the day I signed my kids up for preschool. Makes me want to slow time down just a bit. Take care!

  2. HEY! Glad you've enjoyed your time unplugged. Hard to believe our little guys will be heading to kindergarten. Where does the time go? They are both cuties!

  3. So happy to read your post! I just registered my son for kindergarten too. He's my youngest, my baby, my last one home. Time flies - so glad you've been been enjoying your time :) - Carrie

  4. Mandy,
    Have thought of you often and wondered how you and your family were doing! So glad to know God is continuing to bless you all.
    Hope you keep blogging:)


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