Thursday, February 12, 2009

In my quiet time this morning (or maybe I should say 'Bible Study' time because it's never really quiet around here...), I was reminded of God's awesome blessings in my life.  I stopped to look around as I was reading and was reminded that these days are so good. Remy was contentedly playing with trains and singing the Thomas theme song, and Halle was playing with her new ladybug toy and laughing as she shook it above her head. He continues to take care of us in uncertain times, and it's good for me to remember that. I don't want to miss a minute of this!  So in that spirit, we blew bubbles in the living room and played Chutes & Ladders by Rem's rules, which means that every turn ends with a trip down the big slide. And it was all fun and games until someone threw a random tantrum... and this time it wasn't me.

Along with Halle's new mobility comes a long list of things to keep me on my toes. Although she's been able to roll around for a while, she has just discovered that she can do the same thing in her bed. I was dreading the day this happened! Yesterday as I looked down the hall to see if she was asleep for her morning nap this is what I saw: a smiling, wide-eyed baby girl with no thoughts of sleeping.  Oh, and for those of you who are horrified at the huge blankets in her bed, those are courtesy of Mr. Remy who 'thought she just needed to stay warmer'. 

Here she's inspecting her new Valentine toy from Grammy. She offers a full-service inspection, including taste!

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