Happy Monday! We had a good, lazy weekend. Trace had to work both Saturday and Sunday during the days, which threw Remy off just a bit, but we mostly stayed home and took it easy. I was able to get quite a bit sewn and listed, and I finished my entire to-do list!
The craziest thing is the state of our apartment. Prior to this crafty life, you could have asked most people in my life about my habits, and the term obsessive-compulsive would have likely come up more than once. I like things clean (thanks, dad!) and simple. Each item has its place, and should be kept there. Fridays were my cleaning day, and even after having kids I loved getting up on those mornings and cleaning everything top to bottom, whether it needed it or not. More than one picture has been taken of my little people with mops and brooms, getting in on the action.
But now, since taking this leap into making and selling things, I can't seem to keep anything in its place. Given that we only have 1100 square feet some things don't even have a place! I mentioned before that our dining room is my studio of sorts, which makes for a shuffle at least once a day moving fabric out and dinner in. So today I was browsing around the Apartment Therapy website for a little inspiration. I would love to have any of these gorgeous crafting spaces!
I would also like to pose a question to you, because I know many of you who read are crafters: How do you do it? Without spending tons of money, what are your greatest tips for keeping things in your home from looking like a fabric hurricane hit? I would love to compile the answers for a future post. Please leave your words of wisdom!
And I also would like to thank clay artist, Charan Sachar, who featured my turquoise bib set on her blog with this week's color of the week feature here. Thanks a bunch!
I don't have a dedicated space for my painting - I use the living room - so everything I work has a dedicated place in a dedicated box which has a dedicated spot on a dedicated shelf. I'm drooling over those work areas you posted as well, but on the other hand it's kind of cool to completely clear the mind by putting absolutely every thing completely away whenever I'm not working with it.
ReplyDeleteI think it is so helpful to keep one area of the house your area for crafting and inspiration. I keep a table, desk, and organizational bins in my spare room so when I am in there I feel more put together than I really am! ha ha. I have little embelishments, ribbon, and other things in clear jars to see. I work better in a fun environment.