Wednesday, March 17, 2010


"I'm guided by a force much greater than luck."

This has never been one of my favorite holidays. I don't particularly like green, and in fact, when an army recruiter called me in high school I said 'First things first, sir, would I have to wear green?'. He replied 'Umm... I think so', thinking that I was kidding. To that I said in all seriousness 'I don't wear green'. When he realized that I wasn't joking that call ended quickly. Upon comparing notes at school I realized that most friends couldn't seem to get the guy off the phone, and I felt pretty happy about getting off the hook. I do wear green now on occasion, but it's not my favorite.

The quote at the top of this post is from Empire Records, easily one of my all-time favorite movies. (And I'm sure you all agree, one of the best movies ever made. EVER. Amen.) I'm not sure exactly where the character was going with it, but as a Christian, I think it is fitting. Trace and I were just talking this morning how this holiday has gone from a day celebrating a missionary to a day better known for green beer. That quote came to my mind first thing this morning when I started seeing all the green... Who guides me? What motivates me to live differently?

In my Bible study this week, I am studying the characteristic of love. God's love. And Beth Moore started out this week's section by saying this about love: 
"We talk about it. We sing about it. We praise it. We seek it, and we long for it. Love. 'The fruit of the Spirit is love.' God's kind of love is foreign to us. How can we love the unlovely- not endure them, but love them? How can we genuinely desire the best, not for ourselves or our friends, but for our enemies? Love challenges us. It frightens us, and it embraces us. Ultimately only love can change us so that we become people who love."

I want to be someone who is motivated by a guiding force of love from God. I don't want to be waiting on luck, and I'm not. God's will, this life living for God, doesn't just happen living by chance. So today I'm not feeling lucky, because I'm not. I've been chosen!

Remy and I were talking about this being St. Patrick's Day and I was telling him what a missionary is~ someone who goes out and tells other about Jesus. He said 'Well, aren't we all supposed to do that?' Yes~ Now to live it! Happy St. Patrick's Day! 

St. Patrick said this: "Christ beside me, Christ before me, Christ behind me, Christ within me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me." Amen.


  1. St. Patrick rocks!!! I love what Remy said... wow, incredible! And praise God that He has chosen to save us! I'm doing Beth Moore's Daniel study. I'm learning so much. Isn't she just grand? I love that St. Patrick quote.

  2. First of all, yes. Empire Records is definitely one of the best movies ever made. I have no idea why I think that, but I do. It's one of my favorites of all time and I can watch it over and over again. Second, one of my favorite things about this day is that I always wear my green shirt that says, "I'm not lucky, I'm saved."


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