We have been watching a lot of Peter Pan here these days. And by a lot I mean once a day. Every day. Remy loves pirates right now, though I seriously question this movie... (Do y'all let your littles watch it? I worry about the concepts being outdated and not politically correct~ what to do?!) Anyway, we spend many minutes talking about our happy thoughts and what we might think about if it would help us fly. Rem's usually involve his dog, his bike, his super hero toys... you know, the usual little boy happy things. So for this installment of Friday love I thought I would list some of my happy thoughts for the week.
~This weather!!!! I finally was able to turn the a/c off and open up the house for a few days, and I love that cross-breeze.
~Halle-lujah spent a few hours one morning this week in 'big girl' princess panties. No successes in the potty, but I'll take a few dry hours. She's very interested in being like her big brother, and anything is progress, right?!
Domestic Diva fabric from So Fun Fabrics on etsy. I have yet to think of a project that I can justify buying it for, but I am in love with these retro prints and colors. What would y'all make with it?
~These verses from Isaiah 2.
"Many peoples will come and say,
'Come, let us go up to the mountains of the Lord,
to the house of the God of Jacob.
He will teach us his ways,
so that we may walk in his paths.'
The law will go out from Zion,
the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.
He will judge between the nations
and will settle disputes for many peoples.
They will beat their swords into plowshares
and their spears into pruning hooks.
Nation will not take up sword against nation,
nor will they train for war anymore." (verses 3-4, emphasis mine)
I love these verses as they are usually used in references to non-violence and war. I believe in them that way~ that God alone will (should) be the one to settle disputes, and that we shouldn't take those things into our hands. But I also love the metaphor or taking swords and spears, things that have been used to cause violence and death, and turning them into tools that bring healing and life. I think specifically about our friend Brett and his ministry,
Lambscroft, that we worked with in Nashville. Some of these men have known little but destruction for much of their lives and by pouring the word and work of God into them, they are being trained to be life-givers. Love that!
~Vacation! We are heading to Indiana for a few days next week to see Trace's parents and my mom. We'll only be gone for a few days, and I'll try to keep up... I'm hoping to fill you in on new shop stuff on September 1st!
Happy Friday! I hope you have a weekend full of people and things that you love!
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