Hello, lovelies! I hope y'all had a good weekend. You know the drill~ I'm linking up with Carissa because I have a plethora of random thoughts this morning!
one} I learned last night at youth that it isn't recommended to ingest a spoonful of dry cinnamon. This was the game that my darling husband came up with for the students. Of the eight that played, six threw up... but as gross as that is, in youth ministry, a game that makes even one kid throw up is considered a success. So last night was super successful! (YUCK!)
two} I took the trend of wearing tall boots with jeans tucked into them on a test drive on Saturday. I was afraid that I would look and/or feel like a jockey, but I actually think it looked pretty cute. I didn't gallop even once!
three} If you have little ones and have yet to discover the awesomeness of a good pediatric dentist, I urge you to search for one in your area. An indoor playground and super fast service make it totally worth it. Last week I had to take both littles for a 9:00am and 9:30am appointment (not exactly something I was looking forward to...), and we were done with both by 9:20!! Both kids were troopers~ and no cavities!
four} I'm thinking that this week is going to be the perfect week for a giant batch of taco soup. I love that the weather seems to have finally turned for good and coolness has moved in... lots of soup recipes will likely find their way into my kitchen and here on the blog.
five} My first craft show of the season is coming up on Saturday. I love doing the shows once I'm there, but the week before is typically insanity for everyone in the house. I'm pretty sure I have all the last-minute sewing finished, but piles of goodies wait to be priced, folded and loaded.
six} One more picture from my phone that I thought I had already posted. Last Monday Remy's class took a trip to the fire station. This is a big deal, as on most days if you ask Remy what he wants to be when he grows up it's either a fireman or Spidey. Rem, in his typical style, did his best to act unimpressed, but when offered the chance to spray the hose, he could no longer remain nonchalant.