Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wednesday Wish List

You can find this print here.

Several holiday seasons ago I had a recurring Wednesday post here, in which I highlighted my favorite handmade finds of gift ideas for friends & family. Well, as priorities have changed, so have the things that I am wishing for... I am thanking Him today that as all things become new, my heart changes and I find myself dreaming less about stuff (because it's not mine!!) and dreaming more of things that will make my heart happy and more like the heart of Jesus. Hallelujah for growth, right?! Even if it is inch by tiny inch...

So here is my question for you today~ What do you dream about? In quiet moments between you and a listening Saviour, what do you find yourself asking Him to allow you to fulfill?
This is Katie Davis, who founded Amazima Ministries in Northern Uganda. Awesome, AWESOME ministry!

I have two that come up quite often, if not several times a day. The first is to be a missionary in Africa, specifically Uganda. I really do believe and try to live out that we are all missionaries in our current context, but going to Africa and serving children there is something that I can't get out of my head or my prayers. Often I plead with God to make a way for this to happen, whether it be for short or long term. And I absolutely know that it would take an act of God to make this come to fruition because logistics (the littles, time, money, etc.) make it impossible to carry out on my own.

The second dream of mine is to write. This blog is a place I write some, but I literally have volumes of journals and loose sheets of paper that are never seen. I pray that God would see fit to use my words, inspired by Him, to further the kingdom... to teach... to help someone find Him. My deepest struggle is also tied to this one because I never want to do anything with a heart that is less than pure in it's intention. I don't want to make a name for myself! "He must become greater, I must become less." (John 3:30) weighs heavily on my heart daily.

So what do you wish for? What are the {seemingly} far off things that you would love to see happen in your life? I would love to hear from you, lovelies!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Mandy, Mandy, Mandy!
    Your heart to write sounds so much like mine - not to be famous or make money, but to teach, to encourage, to inspire, to stir the pot & cause people to think.

    I think I mentioned to you the other day how impressed I've been with your writing - both with your way with words and with your consistency. You go, girl!!!

    I'd love to be a "writing partner" with you if that would help in any way - comparing notes, talking through obstacles, sharing resources &/or encouragement, whatever.

    At the very least, I'm so glad to be your friend. You are an inspiration to me in many ways.


I love to hear what you have to say~ Thanks for leaving your mark!