Joshua 24:15 "But as for me and my household we will serve the Lord."
So I love, love this verse! When I saw that this was the theme for the May specials in the (in)courage shop at Dayspring, I was so excited, especially when I saw that they were giving bloggers the chance to review one of the products. Have you checked out the (in)courage blog and shop before? I subscribe to their daily emails of blog posts, and it is truly one of my favorite emails to get every day~ loaded with encouragement and great writing from bunches of different contributors.
The kitchen is definitely the most used space in our house, and we can always use this reminder. I've always loved the first part of this verse that says 'Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve'. It reminds me that we get to choose to serve Him and need to be intentional about living this way... How awesome that we serve a God who isn't forcing us into some sort of slavery, but rather He lovingly shows Himself to us and allows us to willingly follow Him.
As an added bonus for readers, You can use the coupon code: MAY20 for 20% off your order at! You should check out their shop for tons of cute stuff for gifts, your home, even your little ones!!
(*disclaimer* I was given this frame at no cost from Dayspring in exchange for my honest opinion about their product. All opinions are completely my own!)
Congrats on your first review! Aren't the frames the coolest! LOVE 'em!