Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Starting Point

God is in the business of new beginnings. On Sunday, our pastor was wrapping up his series on vision, and he ended with a talk about things that can distract us from moving towards the goal God has us working to. And as I was thinking about the things that get in our path, my mind was amazed at the other side of that~ the hope for us that lies in front of us when we are able to get around those obstacles.

During the series, his definition of vision has been this: Vision is a clear mental picture of what could be, fueled by the conviction that it should be. And this week he said that this 'should be important enough that it changes the way we operate'. Every day.

This summer has been a time of great transition for our church community. But the most awesome thing has been to see how God is working, and allowing us to work with Him, to change lives. I had the greatest conversation with a new member of our family, and she said that since she has been encountering Jesus, she not only looks forward to coming on Sundays, but that it is changing the way she lives Monday through Saturday. Isn't this the point?! I firmly believe that you cannot come into the presence of Jesus and NOT be changed.

So in a time when we get distracted, when things pop up that threaten to derail our future, when fear grips us and the picture of the vision we believe God has given us gets cloudy, what is it that we look to?  Jeremiah 29:11 is familiar but so fitting here~ "'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'" Hope. The character of God is such that even distractions cannot change Who He is or the plans He promises us.

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