Friday, March 30, 2012


I'm linking up with Lisa-Jo again this week... It's funny because her topic today is 'Gift'. And I had something all in my head that goes with this perfectly. Anyway... the rules are simple~ you write for 5 minutes. No editing, no over-thinking, no back tracking... just write. Go.


She holds in her hands a great gift. Tells me it's her 'greatest treasure'... and she's willing to give it to me. To give it up. She holds loosely to the things she values most because she wants me to tresure them too. And there's a lesson in that.

And approaching Easter, I am reminded how He gave Himself up. How Abba Father opened His palms and poured out His heart and Greatest Treasure.

So why do I hang on? Why do I clench fists and try to cling to weeds but miss that the real gift, the reall offering of heart and soul is in the outpouring?

I take the dandelions and put them into a bowl on our table. A centerpiece. And I see them and remember.

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