Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Lunch Box

We entered into day two of the search for the perfect lunch box. One would think that going to preschool for one day a week wouldn't merit such a hunt, but indeed it did. We went to the big red bullseye yesterday, and Rem was none too keen on any of theirs. I wasn't looking forward to packing some terrible character-themed box for the year, so I wasn't too upset about not finding one. When we arrived home I showed him a few online, and he decided that he did like this one in the skateboard print camo. (He is really into skateboards right now, which is strange because he's never even used one.)

After Halle's nap this morning we headed to the mall in search of that exact lunch box. Luckily they had it in stock. We happily paid for it (well, he was happy... I thought it was pretty expensive!). I handed Remy the bag as we headed out of the store, he looked inside and said 'What good is a lunch box if it doesn't come with lunch?'. Good question, little man.

Oh, and I managed to list a few things last night in my shop... check 'em out if you get a sec!

1 comment:

  1. He has great taste. Those lunch boxes are very cool.


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