Monday, August 17, 2009

Proverbs 16:9 Memory Monday

So it seems like Remy has gotten the short end of the picture-stick lately, what with Halle being my top model and all, so here's a shot of the man himself at the mall in the helicopter. (Yes, I have huge issues with the germs on those things, but if you could see the joy in his eyes that 75 cents can bring, you would decide it's worth the disinfectant post-ride wipe down.) We were lucky that Trace didn't have to go in to work until noon today, so Remy chose to go to his favorite spot and see the sights. He is my child, and he picks the mall EVERY time!

Not to be outdone, here's Sweet Thing #2 strutting around and modeling some new shoes I made...

My verse for last week was Proverbs 16:9, and here it is from memory:

In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord orders his steps.

Well, short as it was, I must admit that I had a refresher earlier this morning. The point of the verse stuck with me all week, but for some reason the word order didn't. This one was a little hard for me, as I think it applied so much to my situation this week. I have blogged before that I struggle with depression on an ongoing basis. Each time I start to feel a bit 'dark', for lack of a better term, I come back to the real heart of the issue. For me I look at my life and find reasons, real or imagined, at why my disappointment and depression are pointed at God. I have had my course planned since I was young- what I thought life should/would be. And so many things have happened along the way that have changed the course of things. We are so fortunate that Trace's work has picked up a bit, but he is not doing a job that he feels called to do. And the job he feels called to do doesn't seem to be panning out the way we felt like it would... so we're at a kind of stand still- and that is frustrating!! That is why this verse has struck such a chord with me this week. My course, my plans, will not come to fruition if not aligned with the plan God has for us. So my prayer has been that God reveal his plan for us, and that he order our steps accordingly.

I'm not sure exactly what direction my study will take me this week, so I don't yet know my verse. I think I'll just keep heading down this road of searching out God's direction. Vague, I know, but it's where I'm at... Have a great day!


  1. Don't know if you planned it this way, but I found it convicting that the picture of the cute shoes you made was right above the verse about the Lord ordering our "steps." Nice!

    Just said a prayer about your husband's job and your contentment level with it. I'm sure that is very hard.

  2. I didn't notice that shoe thing that Lisa pointed out in her comment above. But how cool is that! My husband can understand about having worked jobs that he hasn't felt called to. I'm sure it can be a frustrating thing. Just keep keeping it in prayer and seeking the Lord.

    Take care,

  3. Well done! And the shoes are just darling! I think I want a pair too. Though they might not be as cute on my huge feet.

    Don't you love it when a verse gets stuck in your head and speaks to right where you are?


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