Friday, May 6, 2011

One of Those...

Yesterday was one of those days... I know you know the ones. I woke up tired, wasn't feeling all that great, the littles didn't seem to want to listen, and the coffee maker broke. I know, that last thing is a big one. In truth, it's been on its way out for about a week, but I have been in denial. A broken coffee maker isn't something easily acknowledged to this coffee addict, but a new coffee maker isn't quite in the budget either. So I was at an unusual crossroads... what to do at 7 in the evening when I just needed a cup. So here is what I came up with:

 All I did was take an empty glass jar and put a coffee filter and coffee on the top, fastened with the ring-thingy (that's the technical name, right?!). Then I poured hot water slowly into the top. The pouring part took a while because I was trying to avoid an overflow, but the wait time was well worth it. The coffee tasted amazing, and Remy was completely amazed at our little 'Little House' experiment.

I was then reading a post about God speaking through His word, and Jen talked about Psalm 121.  I love this Psalm. In my Bible I've penned 'Remy & Halle's Psalm' across the top of this one because I often whisper this sweet song in the darkness as they sleep or quietly speak it to scared little ones in the night. It reminded me that even in my crazy days God is with me. And seriously, who am I kidding about rough days?! My broken coffee pot and moments of parenting stress are fleeting and trivial... But regardless, my God is the same.

Psalm 121
I lift my eyes up to the hills- where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.

He will not let your foot slip- he who watches over you will not slumber,
indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.

The Lord watches over you- the Lord is your shade at your right hand;
the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night.

The Lord will keep you from all harm- he will watch over your life;
the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.

So I enter into this weekend in gratefulness. I am thankful that in my broken-pot-moments, God is never sleeping, never taking his eyes or his hand from me. 'Loving God loving me... is that selfish? He loves you too, you know, As do I, sweet lovelies! Hope you're weekend is full of things you love!


  1. I'd have packed up the troops and headed to the nearest Starbucks. LOL! So glad it worked and you got a great cup of coffee. That is a great Psalm - very comforting and gives me the warm & fuzzies.

  2. How creative! So glad it worked for you. I love this scripture!


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